Friday 30 January 2015

Start Learning Android Programming

At present, Android platform growing at the incredible rate in comparison to other platforms, so every programming beginner wants to learn how to make an Android app. But to start learning Android programming is not a delicious food dish you only have to eat, you should start from the basics of Java and keep going up to Android and so on.

Excellent resources to start learning Android Programming 

First thing first, learn Java: 

Java is Android’s main programming language. Learn object-oriented programming concepts, Java fundamentals etc. Here are some resources to learn Java:

Getting Started with Android Development:

Resources every Android developer must know by +Sergey Povzner

NOTE: Even if you skip the rest, make sure to check out Sergey's list above.

Getting Started with Android Development by +Ray Wenderlich

Getting Started With Android Development by +Chris Lacy

Support Library (to help maintain support with older versions of Android)

Video Training

Android Bootcamp Training
Tutorial: Android Application Development - A 9,000 foot overview

Recommended Books
NOTE: Thanks to Nima Gh for the great Book Reference list posted in the comments.

Best Android Books and Resources 2014 Edition

FREE eBooks

andbook! Android Programming

Essential Code Libraries, Samples and Tools to Build Modern Apps

Android Asset Studio by +Roman Nurik

ActionBarSherlock by +Jake Wharton



ViewPagerIndicator by +Jake Wharton +Patrik Åkerfeldt


Pull To Refresh Views for Android


Android PagerSlidingTabStrip by +Andreas Stütz
NOTE: Slide style Tab Indicator like in the Play Store

Make Your Apps Tablet Friendly - Learn To User Fragments

Working With Fragments by +Shane Conder

Using Fragments in Android - Tutorial by +Lars Vogel


When developing for Android it is important to understand Java, Layouts and Fragments but it is also really important to understand the Android UI Standards and how to use them to ensure consistency in your App Design, as well as, familiarity that will ensure user-friendliness in your design.

5 things to care before building first Android app

5 things to know before building your first Android App:

  1. You need to learn Java, there is no way around it
  2. Android part encompasses learning XML for the app design, understanding concepts of Android and using said concepts programmatically with Java
  3. Beginners should probably use an IDE (PraneethVT preferred Android Studio over Eclipse)
  4. Building your first app is time consuming: it won’t happen overnight. This is not a project for those looking for a fast result
  5. When stuck on problem (which will inevitably happen), turn to Stack Overflow. If no luck there, look to the Android Subreddit where there is a helpful community

For more Android and Java resources, look to PraneethVT’s original Reddit post how he built his first Android mobile app – a GPA calculator.

Hopefully the resources and links above will be helpful to get you started with Android Development or if you are already Developing for Android, maybe you can find something to make your Apps even better. 

Source: Kevin Darty(G+)